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An issue that we often hear about when it comes to car accidents is whiplash. We all know that whiplash is bad, but what exactly is it? Do you absolutely need to see a doctor to treat it? What kinds of treatments can you receive for it? There are dozens of questions that people have about whiplash, and they often aren’t asked until after someone has already been diagnosed. While we obviously don’t want you to ever need this information due to your own injuries, we also think it is a good idea to be at least familiar with the basics, so here are some simple facts about whiplash for you.

Whiplash is a neck injury caused by a sharp, fast movement front to back that resembles the movement of a whip. This usually occurs as the result of a car accident, but can also be seen in abuse cases and some sports injuries. Normally, a case of whiplash will result in the victim having neck pain, stiffness, and headaches. It can also include loss of movement, tingling or numbness, dizziness, fatigue, blurred vision, irritability, trouble focusing, memory issues, depression, tenderness, tinnitus, and sleep difficulties. While it is always important to see a doctor after a car accident, it is even more important to do so if you suddenly have or quickly develop any of these symptoms so that you can get the proper treatment and documentation in the event of a legal case.

Most people who develop whiplash can self-treat it before it gets better within a few weeks, but you always want to make sure that any pain you feel isn’t from something even more serious, like muscle damage or even a fracture. It is especially important to seek medical treatment if you have had whiplash before, are older, or have a pre-existing condition that can be aggravated by a condition like whiplash. It is impossible to know how your body will react to whiplash, so it’s always better to be checked by a doctor than to leave it up to chance.

Receiving chiropractic care after a car accident is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. If you were hurt in a crash, then you should definitely come into DiBella and let us help you with your pain. Getting the proper care is so important and we will do everything we can to get you back to normal. Call us today and see the difference it makes!

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